Fraser Association of Family Councils (FAFC) is composed of a dedicated group of volunteers made up of representatives from independent Family Councils in long-term care homes throughout the Fraser Health Region along with advocates and family caregivers wishing to make a difference in the quality of life for long-term care residents. All of us have or have had experience with someone we care about in long-term care.
What We Do
FAFC provides a forum for networking family council of long-term care in the Fraser region to discuss common issues, and work to find solutions, and ultimately, share our concerns and ideas with our provincial association of family councils; a registered non-profit society named Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association BC (ILTCCABC).
FAFC is one of 5 regional associations which meet at the provincial level, bringing systemic issues to the attention of the Ministry of Health and other organizations who support quality of life for residents in long-term care.
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