Preamble: Individual actions of FAFC members reflect on all members as a
whole, therefore the actions of all members should ensure that our
Association maintains its high regard. The reputation and image of the FAFC
should be considered in each member’s communications and actions.

Criteria for An Effective FAFC Member:

  • Keep in mind and respect that these meetings are held in a safe place
    where confidences are to be kept private.
  • Respect the sensitivity and confidentiality of information discussed at
    FAFC meetings.
  • Avoid making judgements about any situation in the absence of all the
    facts and information.
  • Recognize that all persons are unique individuals and be sensitive to
  • Respect that each Chair is at the meeting advocating for their Family
  • Do not interrupt someone who has the floor, raise your hand to
    contribute to conversation.
  • Recognize that idle, sensational or groundless talk (gossip) about any
    person is harmful and hurtful.
  • Foul casual language will not be tolerated.
  • As a member of FAFC, I understand it is my responsibility to
    adhere to this Code of Conduct.