We PROMOTE Independent Family Councils
(members are family members and other representatives who act on behalf of residents in long term care homes). Members meet to identify and promote practices that have proven to be valuable for residents in their long-term care home. They make important suggestions and recommendations to facility management to promote quality of life for all residents in their own care home based on direct observation of the experiences commonly shared by persons living in long term care.

We SUPPORT our member Regional Associations of Family Councils
(members are independent family councils from within the same health authority. An individual from the community may also be considered as a member, e.g. a person who previously was a member of a long-term care family council. Each regional association determines its membership through its own terms of reference or bylaws.) Members network to identify best practices and concerns which are widely shared by individual family councils in the region. Together they brainstorm possible solutions for improvements to the long term care system to be further examined and evaluated by representation from all regional associations though the provincial association of family councils.
We ADVANCE the collective voice via the Provincial Association of Family Councils
(members are regional associations of family councils from every health authority) . Members network to consolidate the collective voice of recommendations which have the integrity and accuracy that come from experiences and perspectives that are first identified by independent family councils, validated at meetings in their respective regional association and then gathered and presented by the provincial association directly to the Ministry of Health.

Provincial Association of Family Councils
Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC (ILTCCABC)
ILTCCABC’s member Regional Associations of Family Councils
Fraser Association of Family Councils
Email: fafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://fraserfamilycouncils.ca
Interior Association of Family Councils
Email: interiorfamilycouncils@gmail.com
Website: https://interiorfamilycouncils.ca
Northern Association of Family Councils
Email: nafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://northernfamilycouncils.ca
Vancouver Coastal Association of Family Councils
Email: vcafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://vancouvercoastalfamilycouncils.ca
Vancouver Island Association of Family Councils
Email: viafc.regional@gmail.com
Website: https://vancouverislandfamilycouncils.ca