Vancouver Coastal Association of Family Councils Forum September 18th, 2024
ZoomVCAFC holds regional family council forums regularly to invite our member independent family councils together to share their ideas and concerns across our VCH region.
VCAFC holds regional family council forums regularly to invite our member independent family councils together to share their ideas and concerns across our VCH region.
Pat Porterfield and Karen Sanderson, Volunteers with VCH CEAN (Community Engagement Advisory Network) will share...
Centered around the theme “Come Together,” the conference recognizes the BC Seniors Living Association coming together with the BC Care Providers Association through a special resolution approved at their Annual General Meeting in September.
Proud Member of Independent Long‐Term Care Councils Association of BC (ILTCCABC)
Fraser Association of Family Councils is one of five-member regional associations who comprise ILTCCABC, a provincial association of Family Councils.