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INVITATION – VCFAC Lunch & Learn: Care Approaches for People with Dementia and other Complex Neurocognitive Disorders

April 9, 2024 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm

VCAFC is honoured to host this exceptional educational session! PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!

VCH is sharing an advancement in VCH care to identify and create action around training specifically designed to improve the care our residents with dementia and other complex neurological disorders receive.
The rise of individuals coming into long-term care with cognitive disorders has been increasing as the number of people requiring long-term care also rises. 

The attached document informs us of the care approaches being implemented in VCH long-term care homes
This affects almost all of us family caregivers!

The goal of this VCH LTC Guideline/Decision Support Tool (DST) is to provide guidance around care planning for people with dementia and other complex neurocognitive disorders.

Joseph Sun, RN

Clinical Nurse Specialist, VCH LTC and AL Professional Practice Team MSN, UBC

PBD in Gerontology, SFU BScN, BCIT Providing care and support for LTC residents since 2010.

Please SAVE THE DATE and plan to attend.
Consider sending us your questions in advance so we may send them to Joseph Sun in advance for his consideration.
While we look to this as a presentation, we plan to have some time for Q&A

Topic: VCAFC Lunch & Learn
Time: Tues. April 9, 2024 1:00-2:00 PM Vancouver

To participate contact to reserve a spot.

Vancouver Coastal Association of Family Councils