When: January 10th, 2024 Starting at 7pm PST
Where: Zoom link for January 10, 2024 Webinar
Host: Lisa Dawson, Vice-President Independent Long-Term Care Councils Association of BC
ILTCCABC hopes this webinar will build on the awareness among the public about ongoing issues in long-term care homes that compromise quality of life for residents. Our hope is that our building awareness and offering up recommendations will result in change and improvement to resident and family experience. We also hope our results will inspire others to get involved and put pressure on politicians and the government to address these concerns by advocating for system reform.
The issue of resident experience, quality of care and quality of life has never been so grave and exposed as something we can and ought to do something about. Let’s start with what we have and have control over…that is our voice.
ILTCCABC is doing what we can, with what we have: OUR VOICE.
Our regional associations of family councils are actively supporting the establishment of a family council in each long-term care home – one care home at a time!
In long-term care, the voice of the resident and family by way of councils offers a structured, self led, democratic, collective voice which engages with care home leadership at a level where decision making about the care that affects them, includes them.
Our advocacy requires a paradigm shift in the model of and delivery of care. Support at the highest level of decision making is required for long-term care change. Our Ministry of Health must be influenced and motivated by the articulation of our direct experiences, concerns and recommendations for improvement.
ILTCCABC recognizes the complexity of Long-Term Care which requires a multi sector advisory group as proposed by ARRC. The Advisory Forum would ensure that the perspectives of all stakeholders are represented in the plan for long-term care and be able to articulate the plan to their public.
We look forward to you joining us as we share what we are doing towards improving long-term care with what we have: our voice!